Sunday, 22 December 2013


Joan, my wife, had a bad stroke last month.

There are different types of strokes. 85% are caused by blood clots, which, if treated quickly with the latest block destroying drugs can lead to a quick and near full recovery.

The other 10-15% are caused by spikes in Blood Pressure, most prevalent in older people. These spikes in pressure rupture the blood vessel at the site flooding and killing the surrounding brain cells. this is what happened to Joan.

I have spent the best part of three weeks visiting her in a hospital in Bristol where they had to operate on her to put a drain into her brain to relieve pressure. she survived that and the subsequent removal of it. Last thursday she was moved back to Taunton main hospital. Easier to get to for me.

She is having hydration issues at present. When she is fully hydrated she is quite talkative and showing a keen interest in her surroundings. Dehydrated, her blood pressure drops alarmingly and she falls into a deep sleep. Twice now they have had to put her on a drip.

still, she is alive. hopefully she will make a good recovery. Totally paralized down the left hand side of her body. That may improve. Who knows?

Monday, 25 November 2013

wife not well

my wife collapsed with a Brain Bleed. She is in hospital. not well at all. not sure if I will write again.

Friday, 22 November 2013

good start, bad end'

the walk started well. had the walk to ourselves until we turned. A lady with two dogs came towards us. As her dogs were off their leads I left Pluto off his. One was a Springer. Pluto sees all Springers as BJ until he knows differently. So off he went to play.

I stopped by the woman and we chatted a bit then heard a sharp yelp. I wasn't sure which dog it came from so I put Pluto on his lead and we parted company. Further on the way back we met another lady. She had some little dogs. She reached down and patted Pluto and her fingers came away with blood on them.

He had lost a small piece of ear.

Off to the vets after applying some pressure to the wound.

You have never seen such a depressed dog after the vet had finished with him.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Soggy doggy

The walk started well. Me deep in thought about my friend in France. Sometimes when you are in a relationship you both know that it has reached the end and you should go your own ways. That is understandable because the agreement is on both sides. But when one ends it and the other doesn't want to then there are so many loose ends to clear up on one part. When we were no longer together we spent a year in fairly close proximity. It was the hardest time of my life. I was often asked by her friends to join their table at parties but I always refused, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. I do still write to her. About once a week. I should stop, I know but I do enjoy it. So she is still able to give me some pleasure this far removed.

Pluto must have felt christmas had come early. A lady with two Springer Spaniels followed us on the walk. Pluto obeyed my voice commands and walked by my side for a while but they were starting to overhaul us and he couldn't resist it. He has played with Archi and Ziggi before.

We completed the outer leg of the walk and were half way back when the boys arrived. I turned and completed the walk a second time with Annette.

We stopped to watch a Heron fishing.

Pluto was a wet pet by the time we returned to the car.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Me and my Shadow

Lovely bright morning with a cold, biting wind. my leg is much improved so I attempted the full two miles at Bradney. On our return I could see dogs and owners ahead so Pluto finished most of our return journey on his lead. As we turned the corner to the car we saw the boys. I repeated half the walk again with Annette. Pluto running and play fighting and generally getting wet and muddy.

The fishermen were friendly. My leg felt ok. It isn't now. It has stiffened up.


and my shadow.

The boys are back in town.

General shots.

Monday, 18 November 2013


Before going into Bridgwater and picking my Daughter up from work I decided to let Pluto have a walk down at Silver Fish. it rained. A lot.

I stood in the middle of the field sheltering under my umbrella. Pluto carried out a detailed investigation of the area and it was he who made the first move to head back to the car. I took him home so Joan could enjoy his wetness. Changed cars and headed into town. back an hour later and he is still wet.