Sunday, 22 September 2013

walking by the river- early morn.

My daughter needed picking up for work which entailed me getting up before 6am.   She was duly delivered and Pluto and I went down to the River.  Really it is a drainage ditch built in the reign of Charles the second probably.  That was when they did a lot of this work.

Anyway.  Early mornings are a good time to see wildlife.  Except of course if your name is Pluto.   I saw Rabbits scurrying to their holes, a Heron take to the air ten yards in front of us and a Stag, with Antlers as the Rutt is about to start, bounding and leaping in the near distance towards a small copse.

Pluto, of course, was more interested in finding things to roll in to notice.

Still, we both had pleasure in our own ways.

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