Thursday, 6 February 2014

A slow progress

Not a lot of change in Joan's condition. Or maybe it is because I see her everyday and it would take something major to register with me. All the medics seem pleased with her progress.

Pluto is well. Not had the results from the Vet's yet but the spot has disappeared. So looks like he is cured.

Large areas where I live are under water. Years of neglect of the drainage system. Trying to justify the current position by computer modelling. For hundreds of years the water levels were managed by keeping drainage ditches cleared and rivers dredged. Then, thirty years ago, somebody decided they no longer needed doing.

Fortunately I live 72 feet above sea level so hopefully the waters won't rise this high. If they do half the country if not the world will be flooded. More rain forecast for at least the next two weeks.

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