Thursday, 29 May 2014


Was in a bit of a ranting mood the other day so I wrote to UKIP. a political party in Britain who campaign against UK membership of the European Union and against uncontrolled immigration.

This is what I wrote. It could have been better but I seldom think first.

I am not a political activist but I am a British citizen. I do feel that there is change in the air. For too long this country has been governed by a political class mostly far removed from the people they are supposed to represent. It is time for the British people to regain their independence. But independence in what form?

immigration is the main issue I keep hearing in the news. Not in Somerset. Most people don’t give it a second thought. There are more pressing matters that concern them.

Health costs.

It is a disgrace that all the main parties insist on impoverishing the sick and elderly by making them pay for care costs. A large number have paid NHI for their entire working lives and then see all they have saved for spent on their care. I know the major parties will say that we can’t afford cradle to the grave care funded by the government but with some changes in priorities we can.

Sharing information.

The NHS and other departments seem to be spending billions on IT systems to store and share information which mostly do not work. The means to do this already exists It is called the Cloud. It should be relatively cheap to write programmes to encrypt information and post in a secure manner.


The admin burden seems to be too great and the numbers of policemen too few. People want to see policemen on the beat. A physical deterrent. There are plenty of Policemen leaving aged 55 who could work on as clerks to complete paper-work.

Armed Forces.

We all want to feel secure. (See above). It is time we realised we are not the worlds Policeman. We all want forces we can be proud in and are suited to our current needs. A strong Navy capable of securing transport routes in time of need. An Air force capable of defending our shores. A strong nuclear deterrent to deter possible aggressors. Security is not something to be played with.


If we can not provide the workers with the qualifications and ability needed in this modern world then those who have the skills we need should come in with a verifiable offer of employment. Although I would support a system of positive discrimination in the job market. Priority to be given to British citizens when qualifications and ability match.

I feel the Party could benefit from a little re-branding. What should the Independent stand for. Independence from outside interference. Independence to trade with whomever we wish. Independence from fear of impoverishment in sickness and old age. Independence from fear on our streets. Independence to say what we believe.

I do think that the time has come for change. Credit where it is due. The Tory economic policies have worked to turn the country around. But with little care to individual suffering. We all know that with Labour there will be a short honeymoon period where jobs will be created using borrowed money but soon the shortfalls in their economics policies will show and it will be back to financial crisis after crisis. The Lib Dems I’m sure have some policies on the economy but I can’t recall any.

my back garden

nearly finished in my back garden. making changes to a ramp from a set of patio doors out to the summer house. should be ready to walk on by Monday.

coming together

It never seems to end here. A carer hurt her back moving Joan on her hoist. The company won't let them use it anymore. So I have organised an over-bed hoist. It should be fitted today. The movable hoist will be taken away tomorrow. At first it wasn't going to go until the week after next. I asked them if it would rust if I left it outside. They were indignant, nobody has ever done that they said. They might be now I told them. They are collecting it tomorrow.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Joan is home

She came home last Wednesday. We are getting into a routine. They equipment that was provided was not suitable (large enough) so I sent it back. Not being able to get a firm date as to when or if the could provide better I bought my own.

I bought a power unit to attach to a wheelchair. The lead on the connecting bar between two brackets which I had to fit to a bar on my wheelchair wasn't long enough, the bar itself was not long enough for safety in my opinion either.. I rang my supplier. She said they have an extension. I thought goody and paid an extra sixty pounds for it.

What arrived was a pair of brackets (which I already had) and a lead 6 inches longer.

Not happy with the bar I went on another site which had a power unit recommended for my wheelchair. Another £650 pounds spent. What arrived was the same as what I already have although with the longer lead. When I can get out safely I will go to a hardware shop and buy a solid bar of the correct dimensions.

It all adds to my frustrations.

murder in Puriton

Every year the Jackdaws have been nesting in the chimney on and around my house. I was sitting in my garden on a rare warm, dry day last month. I was listening to the squabbling of the Jackdaws, in fact I could her little else. Then I heard the sound of a Gull. It perched on the roof, no mean feat for such a bird, and slowly made it's way to a chimney pot. It peered inside. Then it stepped back, threw back it's head and gave a loud call. Slowly others arrived. Some looked in other pots. They called to each other. Then flew away. They came back on other days.

I was out walking Pluto one day. When I came back the first thing I noticed was the silence.

For a week or so there were no Jackdaws. Now they have returned. They are busy beavering away stealing bedding material from my garden.

I saw a seagull overhead this morning.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Joan coming home

Joan can come home on wed 21 may. house is full of hoists and commodes and a hospital bed. after nearly six months of travelling back and forth to various hospitals i can finally relax a little with the care staff that will be coming in each day. but not for long as I will soon become one myself.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

The pics

some good weather at last.

had some nice weather for a few days. made the most of it when builders allowed/turned up.

Joan's progress is painfully slow. That said she should make some strides forward now they have finally listened and changed her blood pressure tablets from a double dose in the morning to one morning and afternoon. They are hoping to send her home in a few weeks. The Quantock hills are very beautiful but when you drive over them twice a day, everyday, they start to lose their appeal.

Turning our living room into a hospital ward. Also having a summerhouse built for some living space for me.

I was on the radio a couple of weeks back. They were talking about how to get woman to come forward in rape cases. Should they keep their identities secret even if their case fails. I had actually rang on an associated topic but gave them my thoughts.

What I rang about was a comment a senior police officer had made after yet another high profile individual had been acquitted. This man was a Deputy Speaker in our House of Commons. He is also gay. A number of complaints were made against him. He was subject to the usual vilification in the press and lost his job. All before he was tried. Back to the senior policeman. In his comments after the case he said it was right to bring it even if some of the witnesses hadn't realised they had been abused at the time the offences occured. Did that meant they did a trawl of the man's former lovers and convinced some that they had been abused? A bit disturbing that. On the day of the verdict the politition received lots of messages of support, some, it turned out, were from some of his accusors.

Oh. My comments on the other thing. There is a statute of a blindfolded woman on top of a building in London. She holds a set of scales in one hand. They are level.

Pics from recent walks.