Sunday, 18 May 2014

murder in Puriton

Every year the Jackdaws have been nesting in the chimney on and around my house. I was sitting in my garden on a rare warm, dry day last month. I was listening to the squabbling of the Jackdaws, in fact I could her little else. Then I heard the sound of a Gull. It perched on the roof, no mean feat for such a bird, and slowly made it's way to a chimney pot. It peered inside. Then it stepped back, threw back it's head and gave a loud call. Slowly others arrived. Some looked in other pots. They called to each other. Then flew away. They came back on other days.

I was out walking Pluto one day. When I came back the first thing I noticed was the silence.

For a week or so there were no Jackdaws. Now they have returned. They are busy beavering away stealing bedding material from my garden.

I saw a seagull overhead this morning.

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