Thursday, 25 August 2016

I was on the radio

I went on the local radio last year. There was a political advisor to the government accused of inappropriate actions with some men. He was acquitted. The chief constable of the force involved was giving a news conference on the radio when he mentioned that a number of the men involved hadn't realised they had been abused until the police interviewed them. The judge saw through this and kicked the case out.

I was in my car, having walked Pluto and there was a phone in show on the local radio station. There were a couple of lady lawyers arguing the case for woman to have their identities protected when they were making accusations. Even if unfounded but that it was ok for the man to be named.

I was put on in the middle of this and of course was asked my opinion. I said of course they shouldn't. There is a statue of a woman on a building in London. She wears a blindfold, She carries a sword in one hand and a set of scales in the other. the scales are level. I don't think it went down well with the lawyers.

Anyway, I then told him about this government advisor who had had his career ruined by the way by those accusations. He replayed the bit by the policeman. Said, that's a different story and moved on.

The next two callers and there may have been more but I was bored by then both agreed with what I said. But they were men, I hear you shout. Sometimes the truth isn't Gender based. Pluto agrees.

I have this red line under my words on this screen. I hope it doesn't stay forever.

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