Put the wrong picture up on this mornings post about storm damage. I don't know where the branch in mid-stream came from.
did about two thirds of the walk when I turned around and saw that Pluto had only covered half the distance I had. I re-traced my steps with him ignoring my calls. You'd think he was female. just as I reached him he lifted his head and trotted to me expecting to continue the walk. But I was a little fed up so I told him to come with me and carried on towards the car. he was with me for a while but the silence made me turn around. He'd gone back to his excavation. Another five minutes back to fetch him, this time on his lead. He walked beside me perfectly. Joan wasn't impressed when he trotted into the front room with his feet caked in mud. I took him out into the rear garden and hosed him down. He didn't like that although he always enjoys the towelling down afterwards.
He has conned some biscuits out of Joan while I wasn't looking and his now curled up at my feet.
I hope these pictures give some impression of the strength of wind out there this afternoon.
Guy Fawkes night tonight. When the hanging and dismembering and burning of the entrails of one of the plotters to blow up the Houses of Parliament just after King James 1st came to the throne is celebrated. Lots of bonfires and fireworks. Quite dangerous. I'm keeping Pluto safely indoors.
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