Tuesday, 15 October 2013

A nice day.

Had an interesting walk first thing. The temp guide in my car read 3 Cent. About 10F. but that was the Sun breaking through. Must be miss-reading. Off we go. My thin top and T-shirt were soon no match for the mist and cold. it was not warm. but being intrepid we strode out.

It was a little weird. Deep grey mist, light patches above where the Sun was breaking through. Shifting shapes either side of the Valley. it was not warm.

We reached the end of the walk and turned to come back. Pluto was behind me. There was shouting. A large man with a dog you could pick up and carry in your pocket was waving and shouting at Pluto. I hurried back the way we had come. I thought it was supposed to be the Dog who covers the most ground on walks. just before I reached them Pluto decided to return to me. He does cut it fine.

At the end of the walk nearing my car there was a lady we had met before. she told me of other walks. I noticed a red van behind my car. i knew it. Pluto sniffed at it. He knew it. The boys were here. they were in the field on the opposite side of the road. I am teaching Pluto how to cross the road safely. he might get it one day.

we crossed the road and he was off. an extra 20 mins to the walk.

Joan and I went to a garden centre later in the morning. we left Pluto snoring in his basket. he had had a busy time.

we sat out and drank our tea and coffee. feeding biscuits to the young Mallards.

I told Joan about trying to contact former people in my life. There was another lady. known to both of us independently before we met. I used to play Rugby with her brother. I think she was a little concerned at first. but as I explained that I hadn't seen one in 35 years and the other in 25 years she could see there was nothing to worry about.

I was never very popular with the ladies. she has nothing to fear.

The afternoon walk was curtailed. I saw a couple a couple of hundred yards away with a dog on a lead. I can see that but not writing in front of me. I was a little stiff from the morning walk. One hip was paining so we turned to return to the car. Pluto was by my side. Then there was shouting from behind. Pluto had gone to see the other dog. Why people keep such little animals and take them to places where the big dogs run off lead defeats me. The woman started to give me a hard time. i placed Pluto on his lead. I looked at her husband. he called her. she responded better than Pluto did. so I pointed this out.

We followed them back to the car park.

I don't think I will try and contact my former friends again.

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