It was small and black.
It came from the direction of the bathroom.
It flew across the front of my screen.
I waved my hand at it. It went but was back within seconds. It was small and black.
I wafted at it a second time. It flew upwards, hesitated for a second the came towards me.
I clapped my hands.
There was a small black stain on the muscle at the base of my right thumb.
Now normally I would take another sip of beer or whisky or whatever and go on with the rest of my life. It was a meaningless incident.
Or was it?
What if my pc's screen was the recognised meeting place for these creatures? What if a female was due at any moment to meet him?
What if he had been the first of a new species that is going to inherit the planet after us?
I suppose that if you go back far enough in time there was an insignificant something that would someday develop into us.
What if something bigger had turned its head to the right instead of the left and eaten it?
Had I acted rashly? Had I really tried hard to communicate with it? Tried to explain that it was invading my space? Not obeying my conventions.
But then it had sprung an attack upon me. Had I provoked it? Not at all. I was just trying to make it see my point of view and agree with it. But it had approached so hard and fast. I could have been seriously injured.
No. I used reasonable and necessary force to protect myself and my way of life.
Still. I am glad nations do not act like that.
For my part I will have to live with the consequences of my actions for the rest of my life.
Or have another sip of whisky and forget all about it.
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